Here's a few little snappies from behind the scenes of the big shoot day! I film my online courses all in one day, basically from start to finish. The start of the day usually involves coffee and discussing with the team the approach for the day. Getting the lights set up just right takes a little while and then we are off! Not without our fair share of laughs, goof ups, tongue twisters, painting mistakes in the mix.
We introduced a new camera angle in The Magic of Colour Mixing, a birds eye view so you can see exactly what I'm doing and how things are set out. It's a bizarre feeling knowing there is a very heavy camera looming over your head.
So many laughs behind the scenes, it's a long day so laughing is essential! Working with such an awesome professional team has made all the difference and allows me to focus on what I'm doing in front of the camera. All up it takes about 8-10 hours. That's not all camera time though, but we have cut it very fine both shoots for getting it all done in a day! We always pack up wishing we had another 20 minutes.
The end result though - a big cheesy grin! Because I couldn't be prouder of the finished product. A huge thank you to everyone involved, I literally couldn't do it without the guys running the show behind the scenes. Plus, they make it such a pleasure.
Learn more about The Magic of Colour Mixing and my other online courses here.
Thanks to Indie Lane for the photos.