I have been quietly working away these last few months at one of the biggest and most significant projects of my life, a baby! I'm in fact due at any minute!
So firstly this post is a big ol' thank you to all my amazing community that have been there through thick and thin (yes, I'm looking at you 2020, even you 2021). Without your support, kind comments and purchases I would not be able to do what I do. It honestly means the world.
Thankfully pregnancy has treated me very kindly, even hiking the Australian Alps during my Falls Creek Residency at 30 weeks! In fact, I've never felt more creative in my life. I was constantly itching to get into the studio and it was like the floodgates had opened. There was rarely a moment where I wasn't painting or planning more paintings (the fruits of which are still to come, keep an eye out later in the year!)
I will be taking some time off to enjoy my baby and learn how to become a mum. How long? I'm not sure, it's my first time! So I'm just going to play it by ear. I've brought on two wonderful people to allow things to carry on in my absence, Kirsty who will be helping with any of your email enquiries and questions and Kylee who will be keeping the online store running and posting all your orders. So rest assured, it will be business as usual and one of these two will be able to help you out.
If you do need to reach out, you can get in touch with Kirsty at info@nataliemartin.com.au
Your orders will be shipped on Mondays and Thursdays when Kylee is manning the studio.
We have been plotting and planning for months to make the transition as smooth as possible and we have SO MUCH exciting stuff to share with you in the near future. An exhibition, new print collections and other things I can't give away just yet! So let's stay in touch.
For those of you interested, here's some pics of me on this pregnancy journey.
Very early days, painting with Andrea Shaw down at Spring Creek, Torquay.
At our opening at In The Skies Art & Music in Lorne, December 2021
One of my last workshops, I can't wait to get back into teaching. I miss it!
The bump popped out of nowhere! A weekend getaway at MONA in Hobart.
Wineglass Bay, East Coast Tasmania.
Up on Mount Cope, Falls Creek, Victoria. Walking uphill is quite the challenge at this point but wasn't going to miss this view!
34 weeks here, with my newly framed work 'Song & Dance'. Getting ready for the Spring Creek: A Collective response exhibition.