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    Work In Progress: ‘Finding My Way’

    Work In Progress: ‘Finding My Way’

    Loz from LJM Photography snuck into my studio recently and captured me at work. I thought I’d share some of the photos along with a bit of the story behind them.



    I’m currently working on a new series titled ‘Finding My Way’. This body of work will be exhibited at Lon Retreat in November (more details to come!) Lon Retreat is a luxurious day spa nestled in Point Lonsdale, it’s set on a 250 acre farm and has a beautiful and unique outlook, beach access, sand dunes, walking trails and more. This exhibition is the culmination of my residency at Lon. It’s not your typical residency, I joined their program back in May 2023 - before I was even pregnant with my new bub! I was able to access the property at my leisure and create work based on the environment and the region. I made several trips to do some sketching and plein air works and I explored all different parts of the property. I was originally thinking of using the sand dunes and that edge-of-the-world feeling of raw ocean meets rugged coastline as the inspiration for the work.

    On my final trip I completely changed my mind though. I was about 30 weeks pregnant. It was hot, hotter than it usually was at that time of year. I had a big heavy bag of art materials and I was determined to walk to the moonah forest. This far flung nook of the property had piqued my interest and can I say it totally blew me away. I didn’t see another soul on the walk and it felt like I was on a solo adventure, trudging along under the hot sun. Once I reached the forest an overwhelming sense of calm enveloped me. It felt like a beautiful protected sanctuary, a special little secret I’d been let in on. Almost like I’d wandered into another world. I don’t know if it was the pregnancy hormones, the heat, the adventure or the trees themselves - or some kind of chemistry between all of the above - but I was so taken. This was it, and it wasn’t just the trees. I wanted to capture the feeling itself, of being there.

    Then along came Ned! No I didn’t go into labour in the forest, but not too long afterwards so I didn’t get much time to really get stuck into the work. Instead I let it roll around in my head. Through the sleep deprivation, postpartum hormones, the dreams and the longing for putting paint to paper ideas started to take shape.

    It has been such an interesting process letting this work unfold. At first I got right into the groove, then however I kept finding distractions. I was barking up a whole lot of trees. Like most things I had to work through it all to finally find my track again. 

    Loz came in to the studio during the messy middle, where I still couldn’t see the forest for the trees (pun intended!) I knew what I was trying to get at but was still easily distracted. I wanted to explore and investigate every avenue and make make make. I absolutely love having images of this time though as it’s not often you do! I was able to take advantage of those long sleepy newborn windows and spend a little time here and there at the studio and to have that captured in some beautiful photos feels pretty special. The disjointed nature of creation certainly didn’t help my flow (and the distractions!) but that was the way it was always going to be. I will look back at these images and artworks and the memories will come back vividly.

    As Loz photographed me we chatted about motherhood, life during Covid, our beautiful collective studio space Ashmore Arts, our kids and partners. It was so nice to just have a rambling conversation about all the things you love most.

    I'll obviously share a whole lot more on socials etc in the lead up to the show. I will of course invite you all to the opening too! We just have a few details to lock in and you'll be hearing from me.